Design Tip #1: Own it.

In working with my clients, I have found that several topics come up again and again as they tackle their design projects. This is the first in a series of tips to address some of the more common questions.

One of the pitfalls I see my clients fall into over and over again is not owning their design decisions. Throughout the design process, they are getting input from friends, family members, the UPS guy - you name it. Stop for a moment to consider the most uniquely stylish person you know. Now think of the confidence that person has in his or her appearance. They don’t ask for your permission prior to getting dressed and probably don’t care if what they chose is pleasing to you. It may not be the way you would dress, but you recognize their confidence and likely admire it. One place where I have seen this trend catching on is in expectant parents who wait to reveal the name of their child until he or she is born. They present the baby to the world without (gasp!) asking for anyone’s input on the name.

I think it would be great if we could all apply this trend to the manner in which we put together our homes. The way you create your home environment is for your pleasure and your utility – not to please everyone else. What makes you happy is never going to be exactly what makes your best friend or your mother happy. Think back to your stylish friend and try to translate that confidence into how you feel about your space. Does it suit your needs? Does it make you happy? Does it reveal a little bit about you?

Everyone is going to an opinion if you ask. I suggest asking the only person who really counts, calling it a day and owning it.

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