Tip #2: Hanging Height

If you happen to be like a lot people I know, my guess is that you are hanging your pictures too high. I have a friend who hung some bathroom pictures so high that I literally needed a step stool to look at them square on ... and I’m 5’9”.

There are all sorts of rules and calculations for determining the correct distance between objects. For example, some say that you should have only 6” between your piece of furniture and whatever is hanging above it. Perhaps. I feel a better gauge is to ask the question: if these things were people, would they look like a happy family (they should) – or - do they look like an angry couple who just had a nasty fight? Worse yet: did you unknowingly isolate your poor piece and hang it all by itself with no close neighbors? Unless you just acquired a Jackson Pollock that takes up a large portion of your wall, it is likely that your picture could use some company.

I was recently chatting with a shop owner about this subject and he had some great simple advice his mother had given him: Determine on the wall where you think you should hang your pictures. Now, hang them lower! Perfect.

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